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 JED NL/306978
D.O.B. Februari 2010


Jed is a son of Grimm. A good forward pace and good balance. A stylish fluent driver. Good flanks and one hell of a fetcher.


Started Open Class Season 2013-2014

GRIMM 290746 D.O.B July 2007


By Kevin Evans his Jaff ISDS 231424; Grimm is a natural,very stylish, loose eyed dog, with a nice pace and a good feeling for sheep, balance and nice flanks.


Started Open Class Season 2011 -2012

All our dogs are double registered as well ISDS as FCI except for Billy he is only FCI.

Grimm is available as studdog.

Hipscore: A1

Dna tested:

Optigen CEA/CH Clear/Normal

Optigen CL Clear/Normal

Tns Clear/Normal

Eye test PRA: 2012 2013 2015


Also Grimm has a DNA profile

 Jed is available as studdog.

Hip score: B1 OCD: Clear

Dna tests:

CEA/CH: Clear/Normal

Optigen CL: Clear/Normal

TNS: Clear/Normal

Eye test PRA: 2015 Clear

Show : Very Good

Also JED has a DNA profile.

Jaff is no longer here but lives in Canada

Hipscore: B

Dna Tested:

Optigen CEA/CH Clear/Normal

Optigen CL Clear/Normal

Optigen TNS Clear/Normal

Eye test PRA: 2015 Clear

Show : Very Good

Jaff also has a DNA Profile

D.O.B September 2012


By our own Grimm. A fast  stylish hardheaded youngster. Natural gifted with good sense of sheep and a fantastic drive. 

Jaff is sold to Canada. We will miss your free spirit my boy. But you will always be a Calon Lãn dog Pure of Heart

FINN BE/310251
D.O.B December 2006


By Paul Wellemans' Zep ISDS 247900; Finn is Hilde her first dog ever. A very fast hard working dog. He has a tremendous will to please. A very good Listener. Speed is his biggest weapon.


Started Open Class Season 2012 -2013


Hip score: A2

Dna Tested:

Optigen CEA/CH Clear/Normal

Optigen CL Clear/Normal

Eye Test PRA: 2011 Clear

Finn also has a DNA Profile

Bill LOSH 0907177
D.O.B March 2002


Our oldest. A strong charater with a good sense for sheep. Vey stubborn though and lots of eye. At his best on flightly sheep and big flocks. Bill is retired when he was 7. Artritis killed his career

Bill Of The Veurt

D.O.B 28/ 03/ 2002

R.I.P 11/ 04/ 2016

ROY (GAZ) 00/336678
D.O.B Februari 2015
By Wlliam( Serge Van der Zweep) out of Amy (John Sterrenburg) Very promising stylish young dog. Easy to handle and a very good listener. 

Hipscore: B

OCD Free

DNA Tested:

Optigen CEA/CH: Clear/ Normal

VDH TNS: Clear/ Normal

VDH IGS: Clear/Normal

Eye test PRA: 2015 clear

Show: Good

Roy also has a DNA profile

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